Today is January 10th, 2016. Two days ago, on January 8th, the first stage results for the US were released via a message in the JET Inbox.
It's good news.
Between the application submissions in November and the first stage results this month, I'd sort of forgotten about the JET Program. I'd be reminded that I applied every so often when people would ask me "what do you plan on doing after you graduate?" and I'd explain that I might be going to Japan next year, but that I didn't have my hopes set too high since JET is very competitive. At the same time, my friends from the historical Japanese swordsmanship style study group where I train have confidence that I'll make it all the way. One of my senpai is a former JET, and he's been very supportive. The study group leader has connections to former JETs and people involved in the JET selection process. When I told him I got the interview, he said "I expected no less." Getting through stage 1 confirmed that their expectations are not unfounded, but there's still the interview to go.
Am I worried that I won't get it? Yes. But disappointing my friends is the bigger worry. I do know that there's a certain amount of chance involved in the selection process, based on what the Board of Education in the prefectures are looking for, so I can't blame it all on myself if it turns out poorly in my favor.
The advice "be yourself" is as cliche as you can get, but at this point, I'm hoping that being myself, along with some question preparation, will be enough.
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